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In Progress
Bible Overview Assignment #2 Due: Jan. 29, 2021
Hindson, Ed and Towns, Elmer L.. Illustrated Bible Survey: An Introduction. Illustrated Bible Survey: Click Here
Read: Joshua through Esther
(You can find the books in our new online library. If you don’t have access to the Pro-Quest online library please let us know as soon as possible.)
Homework Questions:
Answer the following assigned questions from the book and submit the answers in a document in the assignment upload below.
Each question should be answered using the following guidelines:
- 1 Paragraph (4-6 complete Sentences)
- Include 2-4 scriptural references if applicable
Homework Questions:
- Joshua Q. 1: What spiritual preparations were made by the Israelites before they attempted to conquer the cities of Canaan? (Or answer) Q. 6: What principles for victorious living can we learn from Joshua’s example?
- Judges and Ruth Q. 6: How does God’s providential provision for Ruth encourage you to trust God with your future?
- Kings and Chronicles Q. 7: What lessons can we learn from these books about the importance of worship in our own lives?
- Ezra and Nehemiah Q. 6: What is God challenging you to do to make a difference in your world today?
- Esther Q. 4: What does Esther’s experience tell us about God’s working in our own lives?
Please post your Questions in the assignment upload below