Evaluation Sermon 01Sermon IDHiddenLogged in asHiddenUser Placement churchHiddenChurch IDHiddenUser country codeTrimester(Required)Select TrimesterJan-Apr 2018May-Aug 2018Sep-Dec 2018Jan-Apr 2019May-Aug 2019Sep-Dec 2019Jan-Apr 2020May-Aug 2020Sep-Dec 2020Jan-Apr 2021May-Aug 2021Sep-Dec 2021Jan-Apr 2022May-Aug 2022Sep-Dec 2022Jan-Apr 2023May-Aug 2023Sep-Dec 2023Jan-Apr 2024May-Aug 2024Sep-Dec 2024Jan-Apr 2025May-Aug 2025Evaluation SermonStudent detailsSelect student(Required)Select student– Fill Out Other Fields –Student name(Required)Student email(Required)Student placement churchYour details Here the processor of the questions must enter his own contact detailsName(Required) First name Last name Email(Required) HiddenSermon Evaluations for in Trimester already has 0 Sermon evaluations in the trimester A further assessment during the trimester is not necessary. Please select another trimester.Where was the sermon held? (Churchservice, small group...) Indicate also if the sermon was handed in only in written form(Required)The sermon had a beginning that caught my attention.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryThe sermon's tension/anticipation was maintained and slightly increased throughout its presentation.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryThe sermon's main points followed each other logically and helped an ever deeper understanding of the topic.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryThe student spoke clearly and with sufficient volume, modulating his/her voice appropriately to the content of the points being made.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryThe student's gestures and movement were harmonious and supported the content of the sermon.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryThe sermon contained at least 1 story/metaphor/prop that underlined the main theme.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryThe sermon had a spiritual intensity that I found moving.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryThe main point/argument of the sermon was clearly expressed, and it motivated me to apply it in practical ways.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryAppropriate Bible verses were quoted or cited in the sermon.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryThe sermon's length and the volume of information were appropriate.(Required) Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs improvement UnsatisfactoryGive a written summary of strenghs and weaknesses of this sermon in your own words(Required)How do you like the evualtion? Can we improve something?(Required)