Evaluation Master 06

Instructor name(Required)

I constantly pursue my goal

6th discipline.
“I constantly pursue my goal.” The purpose of this module is that the THS student practices self-management and organizational management to successfully guide a healthy church in fulfillment of its goals.
At this point, it is necessary to refer to the self-evaluation of , which has been turned in.
invested approximately 25 hours in the last trimester
The THS student engages in regular fitness or sport activities (3 times per week)(Required)
The THS student pursues healthy nutrition (minimum: at least one portion of fresh fruit or vegetables per day)(Required)
The THS student motivates and manages himself/herself.(Required)
The THS student practices functioning time management and presents his/her system to the trainer (examples include Daytimer, weekly schedule, etc.).(Required)
The THS student uses a laptop or PC, including standard software, e.g. Microsoft Office.(Required)
Does the THS student have financial debts? The THS student is able to provide a summary of his/her monthly income and expenses, including both living costs and education costs.(Required)
The THS student names maximum five personal goals for the coming trimester.(Required)
For how many of the 4 courses of the past trimester did the THS student receive a passing grade? The student shall access his/her grade report from the online folder and show it to the trainer. If homework/term papers have not yet been graded, then the courses involved should be regarded as having a passing grade.(Required)
Here you can see the percentages of all Reference Evaluations "I constantly pursue my goal" that are available for in Trimester . Please transfer the results to the following fields
Please list 1st 'reference-value' (%) listed by the student in self-evaluation to the module 'I constantly pursue my goal.' Use the space provided.(Required)
Please list 2nd 'reference-value' (%) listed by the student in self-evaluation to the module 'I constantly pursue my goal.' Use the space provided.(Required)
Please list 3rd 'reference-value' (%) listed by the student in self-evaluation to the module 'I constantly pursue my goal.' Use the space provided.(Required)
I love God with my whole heart.
I love God with my whole heart.
My love attracts other people.
My love attracts other people.
I am happy
I am happy
I preach with authority
I preach with authority
I easily overcome crises and conflicts.
I easily overcome crises and conflicts.