Evaluation Master 013x3 Master IDHiddenLogged in asHiddenUser Placement churchHiddenChurch IDHiddenUser Country CodeTrimester(Required)Select TrimesterJan-Apr 2020May-Aug 2020Sep-Dec 2020Jan-Apr 2021May-Aug 2021Sep-Dec 2021Jan-Apr 2022May-Aug 2022Sep-Dec 2022Evaluation 3x3 MasterStudent detailsSelect student(Required)Select student– Fill Out Other Fields –Student name(Required)Student ID(Required)Student email(Required)Student placement churchYour details Here the processor of the questions must enter his own contact detailsName(Required) First name Last name Email(Required) HiddenReference Evaluations for in Trimester HiddenSermon Evaluations for in Trimester HiddenGroup Evaluations for in Trimester HiddenMaster Evaluations for in Trimester HiddenCount Master Check has the following evaluations in the trimester Reference: Sermon: Group: 3x3 Master: already has Master evaluation in the trimester A further assessment during the trimester is not necessary. Please select another trimester.I love God with my whole heart 1st discipline. The goal of this module is that the student develops a regular and growing relationship with the Lord. This includes a strong, personal prayer life and regular Bible reading, in order to internalize God’s revealed ways as guide to one’s personal life.s self evaluation(Required)At this point, it is necessary to refer to the self-evaluation of , which has been turned in. invested approximately 25 hours in the last trimester YesThe THS student practices regular, personal prayer times. Bible reading, prayer, listening for God’s voice/guidance(Required) At least daily Several times per week Occasionally, e.g. at church services or Christian events No personal prayer timesThe THS student’s observed love for God is best described as follows:(Required) Consistent and heartfelt Usually consistent Not particularly consistent or heartfelt Not generally observableThe THS student successfully applies and integrates biblical truth in his/her life.(Required) Broadly embraces and applies biblical truth to his/her life Generally applies biblical truth, with one significant exception, to his/her life Desires to apply biblical truth to his/her life, but frequently fails to follow through Wants to apply biblical truth, but frequently avoids the challenge Is uninterested in applying biblical truth to his/her lifeThe THS student is able to sense, and respond to, the presence of God in daily life.(Required) Easily and regularly Easily, but occasionally goes through phases without discerning God's guidance. Has longer periods without a sense of God's guidance, while Godly joy also weakens Tends to have difficulty recognizing God's leading. Generally unclear about guidance. Has no experience sensing God's presence; is losing faith in GodThe THS student observed at least one day of retreat in this trimester.(Required) YES NOThe THS student is able to sense, and respond to, the presence of God in daily life.(Required)Please actually quiz the student. 5 4 3 2 1