
Welcome to Small Groups and Discipleship!

I am looking forward to meeting you this coming Wednesday, May 3.  Together we will embark on a journey during which, hand-in-hand with Jesus, we will discover how to more intentionally fulfill the purpose of the church – the church that He is building.  As Jesus declared, “‘I will build my church’” (Matt. 16:18 NIV).  We get to partner with the Holy Spirit to make disciples through small groups, helping people commit their lives to Jesus, and then become more like him to continue his ministry.   It is the thrill of a lifetime!

I am very much looking forward to learning and changing with you.

Your first assignment is due prior to class.  Your preparation will allow for more engaging discussion.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, or if I can help in any way.

Praying our Father fills you with the Holy Spirit for greater love, power and authority to more effectively make disciple-makers,



Dr. Dave Metsker
